Monday, July 9, 2012

Coming soon...Blog of a Young Writer writng a vampire novel will be Changing

Well I'll just be changing the the name and the purpose of my writing other stories other than a vampire novel when there is a ton of them already. So I'll be taking away the vampire novel part and changing the layout.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm back

I apologize for the long break, I had finally picked my vamp novel back up and thought; Might as well finish it. So I keep you updated on my progress and my other novel. and again I apologize.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

So For a while...

I still will be working on my vampire novel every once in a while. But i will current be working on my new fantasy story, of some what a similar theme, and is becoming one of my favorite stories to write. I will be updating on that every once in a while, but also will be updating on my vampire novel.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

been working a new story.

I have been working on a new story lately, that is not vampire related but i will continue the story, as best as I can.

Monday, June 21, 2010

work on a new story

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  Currently I have been working a new story, and try to make up a new language for it. I just need to figure out a base language.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I recently got a laptop for my new adventure. College. Yes, I have graduated from high school in a small Nevada city, and now I'm going to a City college in California. So this summer I will be working on my vampire novel this summer. As soon as I get my fonts from my old computer on it and also the my chapters that I have been working on. So I will keep you updated; along with two other stories that i have been working on that aren't vampire related.

Monday, April 5, 2010

spring break day 1

Since Friday I have been writing a short vampire story for a contest, which is not realated to the current novel that I have been working on. Anyway today was my first day of spring break, and I mostly got sleep.   I had been sleeping this weekend also because I was kept up for two nights, for my mother's dog was barking the entire first night. Oh Joy.
 Anyway I hope tomorrow the wind isn't blowing and I can walk around town, to take so pictures. I would like to see this town in a diffrent point of view rather than the dustbowl I think it is now.
 Oh and another thing, I will be going to a community college in California next school year, so I would try to be able to earn my way to a big college or university. Maybe even to one out of the united states.